Millions of people around the world wash and sanitize their cars every time they go for a walk with their pet. Community Created Artwork for GearCity By: Dusker Sorted on CarType alphabetical order The colomns Performance, Drivability, Luxery, etc match with the recommended stars in the game.

Unlike tycoon games, GearCity has not been simplified.

Tired of leaving your car completely taken over by your dog's hair? We know that taking your pet from one side to the other is not the easiest task in the world! And you are not alone. Building The Fastest Production Car Gearcity - YouTube Its that time of the month again. I Made The Fastest Production Car Gearcity - YouTube Welcome back to GearcityToday we build the fastest production car of the 70s(207mph)Then after somebody beats our record we build. GearCity is a realistic historically focused economic simulation of the global automobile industry. Do the graphic design have any impact other than visual in the game Press J to jump to the feed.