Yeah, I would love to make a custom campaign or something. The games with the biggest mod communities last the longest and continue generating sales for more years. Future buyers see more content, more value and are more likely to buy.plus it keeps the community alive longer to buy into future DLC, and those DLC feed more scenario and content creation.

Can we please have the map generator for multiplayer at least please The author of this topic has marked a post as the answer to their question. Put the tools out early and your early adopters make scenarios while the game is new and fresh. New Multiplayer Maps Like honestly: Me and a buddy have been playing these 9 maps hundreds of times. The players most invested in the game bought in early,they have ideas now,they won't come back years later to make content. Waiting to put it out longer isn't a good idea either. It's been in previous games in this series, it didn't hurt sales, it helped keep the game relevant for longer. Maybe we'll see it released down the line. However, it may hurt their DLC sales that are drip-fed to us one at a time. Originally posted by Baron von Tansley:A map editor with a robust scenario builder could mean infinite content, with players uploading their own creative, custom missions to the Steam Workshop.